The average house price on PERCY COTTAGES is £89,375
The most expensive house in the street is 7 PERCY COTTAGES with an estimated value of £122,126
The cheapest house in the street is 2 PERCY COTTAGES with an estimated value of £75,868
The house which was most recently sold was 8 PERCY COTTAGES, this sold on 13 Nov 2018 for £64,000
The postcode for PERCY COTTAGES is HU3 1NU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £92,987 £50,000 22 Jun 2005
2 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £75,868 £33,000 3 Sep 2003
3 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £84,893 £68,000 13 Jul 2018
4 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £82,370 £40,000 19 Apr 2004
5 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £87,932 £51,000 17 Dec 2010
7 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £122,126 £69,950 10 Jun 2011
8 PERCY COTTAGES Terraced £79,449 £64,000 13 Nov 2018